How To Keep Your Auto Glass In Good Condition

Clean, intact windshields and windows are necessary for a safe driving experience. Proper auto glass care can prevent car accidents by giving you a clear line of sight to everything happening outside your car. Here are three care tips that will help you keep your auto glass in great shape. 1. Wash your windshields and windows regularly. Some people are particularly diligent about keeping their car clean, making an effort to wash it at least once a week. Read More 

Reasons To Get Your Minimally Damaged Windshield Checked

You have a windshield with minor damage. Your windshield should be examined for any signs of permanent damage, even if you don't believe the problem is severe enough to warrant treatment. Your best bet is to have a professional auto glass replacement specialist examine your window glass for signs of permanent damage that should be repaired, since it's easier to repair smaller cracks and blemishes than it is to repair larger ones. Read More 

Problems With The Glass? 4 Signs Your Home Needs New Windows

When it comes to home improvements, windows tend to be overlooked, especially if it seems that they're doing their job. Unfortunately, looks can be deceiving. Your windows may be causing more problems that you think, which is why they need to be replaced from time to time. Here are just four of the reasons why now's a good time to replace your windows. Your Glass is Pitted From a distance, your windows may look like they're in good condition. Read More 

Does Your Commercial Building Need Window Tinting?

Do you own a commercial building with lots of windows? If so, there are a variety of reasons why you might want to consider contacting a window tinting company. You might normally think of tinted windows on vehicles when someone mentions the term, but there are plenty of benefits to be gained by hiring a firm that offers window tinting services. An Extra Layer of Security If you have a lot of windows on the ground floor of your building, you might be leery about potential thieves walking by and peering indoors. Read More 

3 Things to Consider When Replacing Your Patio Door

If you have a deck or patio attached to your home, it's important to have easy access to this useful space. For many homes, the patio door serves as the entry point to this exterior portion of your home. Over time, the door's existing glass may not be the best fit for your home, or maybe a passing storm has damaged your patio door's glass. One way to refresh your patio door is to replace its glass. Read More